Here's my 2012. Counted down to the new year with the man i've fallen in love with for four months. I was completed embraced, buried in his arms. There was much unknown yet a firm sense of certainty in the room. Sealed Hope with a kiss. And then we listened to "We Found Love" for a thousand times.
"Sorta how I started my 2012... Desperate but hopeful. Took a trip to the other side and found myself carried away with love. Life is now clearer than ever. 我的2012大概是在這種情境下開始的... 某種程度上地球毀滅又重生了,看到了新的風景。謝謝。"
Got a cold in London, or carried the cold to London with me. 在倫敦得了場重感冒,或是重感冒下飛了倫敦。Got Otitis Media for the first time in my life. 人生第一次的中耳炎。昏睡了三天,飛行生涯第一次請假了。兩次尿道炎。投了馬英九。Watched PINA. My cat 乖乖虎 died. NTU competition again. Danced some more.
"如同慾火鳳凰般, 昨天渡過了完美的一天。有那麼一瞬間, 該體驗的都體驗過了, 人還是完整的, 理智還在。穩定的工作, 豐厚的薪水, 衰敗之前最後一刻完美的面容和軀殼, 健全的肢體。理想的感情, 家人都健康, 三代同堂。和一群頻率相同的, 就像妳說的, 無法取代的人們, 堅持著對跳舞的熱情。與過去 現在 未來和平相處, 感受到了宇宙的和諧。我說, 我覺得現在是我生活得最幸福的時候。
Started blogging with my high school friends. Did an short film project: played genie in the mountains, almost froze to death. Got a scar on my right foot. Got a fever. Went to a Radiohead concert in Taipei. Mysterious chubby hippie woman later proved to be the ex.
"Radiohead 演唱會就跟他們的歌一樣迷幻,甘願在稀薄的溼溽空氣中暈眩, 唯一的遺憾是手機沒電。身邊好多朋友們都去了但要在兩萬人海中相遇原來這麼難。然後進場前看見雙彩虹真的in rainbows了。現在心裡酸酸的,腿更是痠痠的。"
Turned 25.
Dad remarried.
Went to Penang get-away. Went to Seoul. Went to Vancouver for the million time. Went to Prague. Went to India. Went to Capri. Went to Rome. went to Hallstatt by myself. Went to a lot of places wishing I was with my mother or my lover.
Desperately hoped to have known it all.
"I could never, be all yours, and you mine, without embracing your past: the burning flesh and piercing bones under your skin that construct you; I'd rather burn, bleed, and wound with a scar, then never really held you close. Because pain is inevitable, it did and it will always be a part of life, and if that's a life that we were going to share, it I would happily endure."
Started to believe in God. Went to a few weddings.The world didn't end. Did exactly the same thing on New Year's Eve.
Loved a little bit more.
And here comes 2013....
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